Birth and Delivery

Well, the boys arrived 2 minutes apart and I got to kiss each of them before they were swept away by the staff. They were in great shape! Joseph was the smallest and weighed 3.7 pounds. He needed oxygen while he was in the baby ICU. He grew rapidly and came home after 4 weeks. He continued on oxygen for another 2 months while he was at home. This created a new challenge with his oxygen cord being tousled around the house.

***Just a note of caution!! One time while Joseph was sitting in his chair that swung, I looked over and noticed his face was pale with a tinge of blue. I immediately went to him and realized that because of the position of his head, he was loosing oxygen. Be very careful that a baby on oxygen keeps their chin from resting on their chest. They are so tiny that even though you position them in an acceptable manner, they can slide just enough to change their position to one that is dangerous!

Okay, now to the precious little toot, Preston at 3.11pds. He was born without incident and raising quite the raucous.He was in the hospital for 2 weeks. He grew quickly and only suffered from mild jaundice and a few episodes of apnea.

And here comes the last, but not least, Brandon at a whopping 4.2 pds. He was a big boy and was out of the hospital within 10 days. He only had to wait until he was 5pds, then he was released from the baby village.

My mother hired a retired nurse (Carolyn) to help me with the kiddo's. She was very expensive but worth every penny! I still had 2 children in the hospital that I needed to spend time with. It was difficult at first but we got into a routine and it all ran smoothly in that respect. Carolyn was gifted with multiples and made my life so much easier. I must admit, it was difficult at times when she would swaddle my kids, I thought she was gonna mummify them. As I look back on it now, I think those snug swaddles made a HUGE difference in their feeling safe, warm and secure. And, oh boy, when she gave them baths I thought I would just die. She handled them with expertise and almost like they were baby dolls. But, all the while she snuggled, cuddled, cooed, sang, talked and kissed those boys as if they were her own pride and joy!

I must show a note of praise also to the nurses in the Hospital! I was so lucky! The nurses at Rose Medical Center in Denver were the BEST friends we could ever have wanted during our trying times. They made each of my boys the cutest drawings with their names on them. They are now framed and above each of their beds! I will never forget their spirits and the kindness they shared with us!


I will be adding more material as time has only taken me 6 years to sit
down and do this...hopefully it won't take another 6!