Summer 2006




Summer 2005

Preston has just taken up Water Colors and wants to be an artist so that he doesn't have to READ!
We will see how long this will last, but he really likes the classes because there are so MANY girls in there!

Will keep you posted!

Spring ~ Summer 2003

"WHAT?, I'm dressed, just staying warm!"
HEY BRANDON! News Flash! I can play hockey TOO!


I LOVE it here!   One of these days I'll get my shoes on the right foot!    Could you get that camera outta my face, I can't SEE!

Preston was the most difficult to get to sit still long enough to get any decent photos of him.

MIND you, it wasn't because he wasn't "enjoying" himself.

Quite the contrary!

It's just my little ole web cam couldn't keep up with the BOY!

Presston Movie
