Summer 2006



This year Brittany was on the Speech Team, Student Council, Honor Roll and has recently joined the production of "THORN" at New Life Church. Brittany has cut her hair really short and I will attempt to get her new picture up here before it grows out.

Brittany insisted that her cat Drew (Left) and my cat Hodgepodge(right) make the page!

Brittany is still into volleyball and she is quite good!


That lady in the mirror is Gran Gran!
WHo says I can't BE A LADY?

Spring~Summer 2003

You wanna see SNOW?
If You Think I'm Tough-Check out my GRAN GRAN!
OK! I THINK I am excited about this rafting trip!
Hmmmm...We sure are going pretty fast...If I end up in the water it's ALL GRAN GRAN's FAULT!
Lizards just LOVE me! WHO says you can't be a LADY and still go fishin'?




How embarassing,  you're gonna die MOM!    If you think my favorite pasttime is annoying PRESTON, YOU ARE right!    Go Figure...Snow in May, June...



Gran Gran & Britt                 Dad 's Birthday Hug

Brittany made this beautiful frame for her father for his Birthday! She then topped it off with a hug for her Dad!


Brittany Brittany Brittany Brittany


Brittany Brittany

